Unable to combine separate expenses for single reservation. When I started working at my previous employer, they already had a ton of ad hoc Concur reports, and I used to frequently copy these reports to My Folder in Concur to modify them and create new reports. Get your file. A: SAP Concur has the ability to reserve and purchase Amtrak train tickets. From an open expense report, click the Hotel line item. With pdfFiller, it's always easy to work with documents. Travel & Entertainment Card FAQs. Creating a New Expense Report . Since you cannot approve your own expenses, if an employee is submitting expenses against a project that they are also the Cost Object Approver for, the report enters a second approval workflow for the employee's manager to approve the report. Community Manager. That way you can follow step by step in your actual expense report. Hi guys! In order for the receipts to merge with the credit card expenses, please make sure that both expenses remain unsubmitted. Available for free via the SAP Concur App Center, the integration reduces the time and effort required for employees to create expense reports from Amazon Business purchases and increases the accuracy of data captured on. On the landing page of the application, go into Expense Reports. Click the expense report you need to recall. Used example, at e-receipt row item can be merged with a credit card deal. I think the issue is twofold: 1. create a Travel, Entertainment, and Reimbursement Expense Report in the Concur Expense Module. 2022 IDC Report: The Business Value of SAP Concur Solutions. Video: Itemizing Hotel/Lodging in a Travel Expense Report in Concur. You can view a linked travel reservation via an expense report in NextGen UI for Concur Expense. Expense splits the combined item into the original two items. To move a manually created expense to another report: With the report open, select the check box of one or more expenses. 3-26 Available to: Analysis Intelligence 3-26 Uses: Expense Data Travel / TripLink Data 3-26 Report: Invoice Billed Transaction Reconciliation - Detail (Calendar Month) 3-28To move an expense by swiping: 1) On the Expenses screen, swipe the desired expense to the left. under the . Expense splits the combined item into the original two items. Feb 1, 2021 11:43 AM. The changes they can make also depend on. 1: To begin, first select the expense you would like to itemize. In the details you can quickly assign an expense to any existing report, and then use the arrow in the top right to move to the next expense on the report. Verify the imported expense (s) appear in the Expenses list. The screenshot below shows an example from one of my demo sites. It has increased time spent on an expense report which takes away valuable time from doing a job. Log into Concur using your Single Sign-On. . Click the Expense Report with the status of Not Submitted that you want to delete. This occurs when the user moves an Available Expense to their expense report. Load more. b. This expense still shows the purchase as a "cash" purchase and didn't change to the locked credit card icon. Once you select it, click Save. Click on the Expense Report you want to add a receipt to or Create a New Report. Once the receipt has been added, you will be taken back to the expense details. Note: Concur imports a maximum of 60 U-M Card transactions at a time. In the Filter section, tick the box for Distribution Account. How Do I Create/Update New User Shapes Using. • Concur Expense automatically generates a receipt image that accompanies the expense, on the E-Receipt tab of the expense entry. @mdepoli if you have an expense entry on an expense report and the credit card transaction is in your Available Expenses, you can add the credit card charge to the report. To get around it, i have to delete the pending charge from the expense report, then separate the receipt from the pending charge and re-add the pending charge to the report and then combine. To combine them manually, select both and click Combine Expenses. Log into Concur using your Single Sign-On. Please perform the keep: - Drive the CC expense from you report to expenses. Then check the boxes further to the expenses. The option to Add Receipt now says View Receipt. 0. UATP-Southwest Airlines. Click the More icon on the top of the page. Ensure that there are no receipt images attached to the selected expense line items. You are trying to combine expenses line items that have different expense types. See a complete list of SAP Concur integrated solutions that help to control business expenses and increase visibility. Automation improves your business travel management and lets you: Simplify expense reporting with digital reports created via mobile, digitized, and electronic receipts, and automatic payment. SAP Concur Community Manager. For e. Consolidate your spending data. Then go to every other report, select the company card transactions that are older than 60 days. Concur Expense. Select the module from the top of the screen. 2. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. From the Manage Expenses screen, scroll down to the Available Expenses section. Expense . You most likely will need to. Select Add a New Personal Card. After creating an Expense Report, follow these steps to attach a receipt in the Expense tab: 1. SAP Concur@ Manage Expenses Requests Card Transactions Travel Expense Approvals App Center Allocate Combine Expenses Move to v Delete Report Submit Report Cash Advances 08/23 L McAuliffe 2 31 19 $0. The basic steps to complete an expense report are: Create the report and provide the report-level information (such as the expense report name, purpose of the report, and so on. 7. Concur Expense . That will do it. I kn. (Below) Another option is to delete one of the two reports you need to combine. Browse . Jun 26, 2023 01:08 PM. The auto match expense within an open report is now supported with the SAP Concur mobile app under the 9. 2. 1- User will create an expense for $200 Hotel deposit for Dec 4 and submit this now. Unable to combine separate expenses for single reservation. The Report Library View displays Active Expense Reports. Sign your document online in a. Help says I can combine the charges by using Match (I think) or Combine. The auto match expense within an open report is now supported with the SAP Concur mobile app under the 9. One of our users has tried combining a recognition ticket expense (with nay receipt attached) to an expense created through ExpenseIt (with a check attached) and the combine option does not appear. Note: The Amazon Business Integration establishes the connection for your entire organization. - or – • On the Report screen, tap the Receipts tab and then tap (lower-right corner). Includes cost object information and expense report type. Jun 5, 2018 02:45 PM. Select the couple cost line items to be me. 40 Other Room Tax 2 [2 Combine room rate and taxes into a single entry Additional Charges (each night) nse T Choose an expense type Expense Type Choose an. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Click the radio button for the From date. - Go to expenses and click the cc expense. • If the company uses Concur Travel & Expense, e -receipts are automatically matched with the user's itineraries and card charges – eliminating the need for the user to type in folio data and submit paper receipts for expense reports. SAP Concur Employee. how to un combine the expenses. Required fields are now marked with a red asterisk instead of a red band at the left edge of the field. We solve big problems, small problems, and problems you didn’t know you had. The allowable amount is calculated on a daily basis and is not aggregated over the entire period of the trip. • Users can access and print e-receipts at any time from within Expense. Mileage. Click Move to, and select an existing report or select New Report to create a new report to add the selected expenses to. approved before any travel expenses can be submitted The next steps walk you through assigning this Expense report to an port Header, then use vertical scroll bar to go to bottom of screem Step 2 - click "add" to see list of approved Requests Step 3 - Report and click "add", then "save" New Expense Available Receipts Expense Type SAP. S. Concur Expense offers good expense management. @LoriAux open the report with the transactions yourself want to go. Yes, I figured it out. Select the two expense string items to be me. @bharath048 that message is a warning message only and should not prevent you from submitting. Recall button now showing (wasn't there yesterday) for one of the expense reports which I have now been able to recall and delete - thank you. Select Merge. Concur Expense ensures all of the details—including the amount, date of the transaction, vendor, expense type and location—are accurately captured and matched to the expense entry. For the ability to manually combine expenses on mobile, I would suggest that you keep an eye on the SAP Roadmap Explorer and the SAP Concur Mobile App Release Notes. Itemize. To add expense. 40 Other Room Tax 2 [2 Combine room rate and taxes into a single entry Additional Charges (each night) nse T Choose an expense type Expense Type Choose an expense type Amount So we have to manually upload the same invoice for 100+ expenses and explain it. This approver, usually by default, is very limited on what they can change on an expense report when reviewing it. 12 CYN, choosing. [Reference: SAP Concur User Guide – Signing In] On the home page, there. Enter the Transaction date which is your checkout date. The only way company card statements or transactions can come into SAP. Under . App Centre. For example, an e-receipt line item can be merged with one financial card real. You can edit them for this Report, if necessary. To merge instead combine expenses: Go into your Issue Message. At a certain. There is a standard Audit Rule called Duplicate Transaction Check that flags for duplicates. Enter values in the corresponding fields . To merge instead combine expenses: Go into your Issue Message. Credit card charges, itinerary information and e-receipts automatically combine to create accurate and authenticated expense reports. I received the Diners Club card statement and the charge appears in the statement. All your employees have to do is initiate the expense type and business purpose, itemize if necessary, and attach the expense to a report. Click the Append button. Oct 6, 2023 Knowledge. On the expense report page, the Available Expenses section appears,. If you still have questions after watching the video, let me know. 1) To attach a receipt on the Select receipt from menu, tap: • Take Photo to use your. The Manage Expenses page displays. Manage travel and expenses anywhere, anytime with Concur's Mobile App for iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ and BlackBerry®. SHARE. Repeat until the Remaining Amount is $0. See these instructions on handling fraudulent charges in a report on what immediate actions to take and how to create the expense report. If these two line items are supposed to be one expense, just delete one of them. Gain visibility to make. 🙂Travel & Expense System from the bank also need to be included in your expense report. To get around it, i have to delete the pending charge from the expense report, then separate the receipt from the pending charge and re-add the pending charge to the report and then combine. The expense report page appears, ready for you to add expenses. However, the true beneficiary of expense reports is the business owner. An ExpenseIt entry and a corresponding credit card transaction in an expense report can be matched by clicking on the Combine button. Expenses are added as part of the Concur report process (Concur Expense: Creating a New Expense Report). Creating New Reports in Concur Intelligence. The answer is yes. The expense should be than not showing you any warnings. Launch Course. 1 - Transactions 360. I think what is happening is that the Delete button you mentioned is for deleting an expense from the report, not to delete the entire report. Looking for. never be pulled into a report without the transaction. A dynamic ecosystem of more than 150 partner applications and services designed to help manage compliance, spend, and the traveller experience. Concur Expense: Workflow. Aug 1, 2018 04:19 PM. ME kn. The reports that have been deleted are stored in Cognos by their report ID, so this report should help you with what you need. • Allocation sepa rator: This symbol separates. A pop-up will appear - click the. If you happen to have two monitors, I would login to Concur on one monitor and watch the video on your second. 1 - Transactions 360. 00 Other Room Tax 1 2. ) Follow these guidelines when completing the fields in an expense report: Report Title - (This is important! List the trip purpose, research project, or event that@Vickie-cridland For the screenshot of combining expenses, it appears that one line item is for Lunch and the other for Train. Add the associated out-of-pocket expenses, attach the imported. ; In the pop-up that follows, hover over the expense you want to select as the master expense and click Select. You will also learn how to set up add your bank account to your profile and track your reimbursements. SAP Concur Employee. Click Move to. This course is intended for advanced Concur users who are interested in ways to make their expense reporting activities more efficient. Make any necessary edits to the. 4. From the Filter Condition field, click the drop down arrow then select Range. If these two line items are supposed to be one expense, just delete one of them. Expense Nightly Lodging Expenses Check-in Date 03/15/2017 Number ot nts Check-out Date Recurring Charges (each night) Room Rate 195. Concur Expense does not have the capability of creating reports by statement period, it only creates by Month or by Trip. Once I do that the system. by shine in Concur Expense yesterday . Concur integrates travel requests, expense reporting, travel booking, and authorization solutions. e-Receipts in Concur 4/5/2019 1 . 00 if purchased using the UConn travel card. - Separate and delete the "fake" expense. When you're in the expense report on the expense line that requires attendees, click the plus sign (+) on the top right. Use reclaim extraction factors atWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In Concur, delegates are able to perform a number of tasks on behalf of another user, including creating new expense reports. So, all you have to do is add the Employee Data item to your report then add Cost Center from the appropriate Concept Fields folder in the data. Combine Expenses If you see the credit card expense in one line and a cash e-receipt in another, you should combine these lines to- Move the CC expense from you report to expenses. My United Airlines airfare expense is stuck in "pending card transaction" for about 3 months. Shouldn't she been able to connect in this scenario? Both entries were already added to an expense report. Log in to the Concur mobile app and select “Receipt. 0 0 27. Hi My hotel cost seperate to two expenses . To connect or combine expenses: Go into your Charge Report. There are really two main ways this is handled: 1. Report Number in Concur Expense Accounting Extracts . This is one way you can "assign" reports to people. Mileage. This will put the the MasterCard charge back in your available expenses. To combine expenses from Available Expenses: From the Concur homepage, click Expenses near the top of the page. I think the issue is twofold: 1. The ChartFields default from your Concur Profile. Get started with first creating your expense report on your desktop or mobile device. The Available Expenses section is located in the middle of the Manage Expenses page, as well as on the Concur landing page: The table for available expenses is at the bottom of the expenses page. 2. If the Pending Card Transaction item is not yet added to an expense report, the system should match the corporate card. User. Merging two expenses when one report has already been submitted and reimbursed. An automated solution can help streamline these tasks. The Amazon Business Integration for Concur Expense eliminates the need to import receipts from Amazon Business by allowing receipts to directly flow into an employee’s available expenses from their Amazon Business purchase. On the Report Header screen, enter a name for your report using the naming convention recommended by your company. Click Move to, and select an existing report or select New Report to create a new report to add the selected expenses to. From adding all expense report details and receipts to submitting, reviewing for accuracy and. . If the user saves and re-enters the expense report, the user can click Add Expenses One great way to differentiate between them is a Union adds rows, while a Join adds columns. This guide provides instructions on how to create an expense. Scroll down to the Available Expenses section and click the little check box next to the item. • Can run for… Range of Time Specific employees Specific expense types Trip/Report typesCreating a New Expense Report . As a reminder, all travel by University employees which includes. By completing the Using Expense Pay course, you will learn what the tool is and how it can benefit you and your company. Received this alert with a travel expense report: "This expense has no matching travel reservation. Tips will be demonstrated in a live Concur environment via webinar. The system isn't designed to do that. 100 Mobile release. Open an expense report. Enter Transaction Detail by Account in the search box. When reading the Expense v4 API details on. A global survey of finance and IT leaders found that 42% of companies saw increased employee productivity thanks to automated expense management processes, such as digitising expense receipts and auto-populating expense reports using a mobile app. An expense report allows employees to document each business expense, provide a corresponding receipt, and get reimbursed from company funds. Select the two expenditures line items to be me. Did this response answer your question?To move a receipt and the line item is is attached to: On an expense report open, select the expense line item (with attached receipt) that you want to move. 1. Read the procedures 1. Under Expense Settings, Select Expense Credit Cards. Click the Combine Expenses button. Create the expense as usual and click the Itemization tab (instead of Save Expense ). Click on the Expense Report you want to add a receipt to or Create a New Report. Return to Expenses to view the Expense with the newly attached receipt and attach it to an Expense Report at any time. Last Revised: November 3, 2022 . Create Expense Report . g. Intelligence. Aug 1, 2018 04:19 PM. SAP Concur is committed to reinventing travel, expense, and invoice management with tools that simplify everyday processes and create better experiences. (The fields that appear on this page are defined by your company. - or -. Verify the imported expense (s) appear in the Expenses list. On the menu, click Expense > Manage Expenses (on the sub-menu). Then each of those National Directors can use the Approve & Forward option. By automating the expense reporting process, your business can increase compliance, avoid risk, and be more. 2. Learn when receipts are required and how to upload them to Concur. Employees naturally expect any personal funds expended for business to be paid back to them. The report is found when you are in. To merge two expenses from the Chargespage, first check the field next to the two expenses you like to fusing, then Merge . Not sure why this alert appears and do. Super User. The default Exception it uses, DUPCHECK, shows what expense reports and entries are possible matches. As the first step in the travel allowance wizard (if your company has enabled the wizard) - or -. From the Concur homepage, click Expenses near the top of the page. Using the Concur Mobile App. The first is "add attendees from Outlook Calendar". Launch Course. Just make it a one day stay. If you see Reporting, mouse over and let me know what you see. Best regards. from an approved travel request 2. First time using Concur. Review, Approve & Audit Built-in workflow and audit rules allow managers to quickly and easily approve in-policy expenses To do so, add a Data Item from the Toolbox and name it Current Date. The first step was to create your expense report by completing the Report Header in Concur. If trains are not an option based on the search criteria, SAP Concur will only return the flight options. Select the drop-down icon to choose the two expense accounts only. And an other situation is If the information to download like an Excel File will be exactly like I see in Screen in Concur. Finance. The app will present your phone’s camera to take a photo or click on “+ Expense. Go into the SAP Concur Mobile app and click Expense at the bottom of the app home screen. Without an associated report open: On the Expense Report List page, select Create & Edit > Create Itinerary . balancing hotel bill, see additional transactions) 2- Itemize the full hotel bill for the total amount of 6360. For the ability to manually combine expenses on mobile, I would suggest that you keep an eye on the SAP Roadmap Explorer and the SAP Concur Mobile App Release Notes. 3. 0 6 1. For the ability to manually combine expenses on mobile, I would suggest that you keep an eye on the SAP Roadmap Explorer and the SAP Concur Mobile App Release Notes. Select all expenses and click Allocate Selected Expenses. View and download the Itemizing Hotel/Lodging in a Travel Expense Report in Concur job aid. Select the approved Travel Request, and under the Action select Expense; this action will populate CoA information from the Travel Request to the Travel Expense . To separate two transactions that were combined in error, click in the Payment Type column of the combined item. 12 CYN adding an additional transaction negative for -360. The permission gives the user access. Expense Reports with P-Card Transactions –You can create an expense report and continue to add P-Card transactions to it throughout the month –You can then submit the report prior to the monthly accounting deadline to allow the expense approver time to review the report –Best practice is to submit reports once or twice a month,Expense queue. This option would need to be enabled for the. Users have the ability on fusing or Combine Expenses when and dual selected total are from different sources. For a demonstration of our NextGen UI, click Itemizing Expenses. 1 Solution. 0. Please perform the keep: - Drive the CC expense from you report to expenses. The other 4 card transactions would need to be separate expenses, with supporting documentation to comply with your company policy such as a receipt image. Method 1: To start from Concur Requests:. The first image (Receipt) were uploaded with the Receipt feature. 1. [Reference: SAP Concur User Guide – Signing In] On the home page, there are a few options available. Contact us today. 1 - Transactions 360. Best regards, RohanFrom here select Process Reports. Selecting the two expenses line items to be me. How Concur identifies and combines expenses in a report. g. From the Best Practices Dashboard to configuring approval flows to an online Help menu in 21 languages, this eBook covers everything you need to know to get the most out of your Concur solution. All they need to do is choose the Managing Director. Using Expense Pay. On merge conversely combine expenses: Go at your Expense Report. This will open the allocate window. g. Then check the boxes further to the expenses. Otherwise, you can use the "+New Expense" button to manually create an. . 100 Mobile release. Although the Combine button turned on when you selected the two cash expenses, the system won't evaluate the payment types until you click Combine. This web-based service provides the tools you need to request and book travel, as well as create, and submit expense reports. When you're in the expense report on the expense line that requires attendees, click the plus sign (+) on the top right. That will match them together. be deleted by approvers and must be deleted by the user or their. At this point. I need to expense them as one expense. Click OK. 100 Mobile release. Credit card charges, itinerary information and e-receipts automatically combine to create accurate and authenticated expense reports. To unite with combine spending: Go into your Expense Report. This means the system believes you paid for your travel bookings of Airfare, Car Rental and/or Hotel and ExpenseIt items with a corporate credit card and is waiting for that transaction to upload into your Available Expenses. In the Expression Definition type “current_date” but without the quotation marks. The rule conditions would depend on what information is being included in the emails sent out for your Concur setup. All customary expense entry data fields are filled out, making it easier to complete an expense report and match to credit card feeds (if available via your configuration). Select the approved Travel Request, and click on the Create Expense Report button on the upper right corner; this action will populate CoA information from the Travel Request to the Travel Expense The auto match expense within an open report is now supported with the SAP Concur mobile app under the 9. Apr 7, 2021 09:21 AM. Amount. g. Last Updated: 4/25/2016 . Select the desired Unsubmitted Expense Report. When the company card charge comes in, it will match to the Pending ExpenseIt item. . When creating Expense Reports in Concur, it is essential to link your approved Travel Request to your Expense Reports. The SAP Concur app is a simple, secure tool that allows users to manage travel, expenses, and invoicing from their iOS or Android mobile devices. Apr 19, 2021 12:52 PM. With Analytics you and your stakeholders can: See up-to-date data to drive actionable insights. Single hotel charge split into two expenses. A pop-up will appear containing two tabs, one for Available Expenses, the other to Create New Expense: Available Expenses holds University card transactions. SAP Concur Community Manager. I suggest speaking with your direct manager first and foremost to make sure you have the. Select the module from the top of the screen. From the Filter Condition field, click the drop down arrow then select Range. Delegate. Overview . For example, an e-receipt line item can be merged with a credit card exchange. To filter the results, select an option in the View list: To view the expense source (s), click anywhere in the row – other than the check box or. Allocation can be done by percentage or by dollar amounts using the "Allocate By" menu to select either Percentage or. We address the ones who are submitting too many unnecessarily. 3. This web-based service provides the tools you need to request. Click the Add Expense button or select the existing expense. Users need the ability to merge or Combine Expenses when the two selected expenses are from different sources. Action. I'm guessing the deposit was for a hotel stay? If so, that can be entered by itself. A majority of customers I have worked with require each day's worth of mileage as separate line items on the. In my expense report I have a hotel reservation for a two day stay shown as a pending card transaction, and two separate card transactions for the two days. Automate Expense Reports. To attach more than one receipt to an expense on the SAP Concur mobile app, follow these steps: Android OS: Log into the SAP Concur mobile application. It helps eliminate paper receipts and makes it easier for you to complete your. U-M uses the Concur Expense Tool, accessible through Wolverine Access, for employee business expense reconciliation, including both PCard and out-of-pocket expenses. 6. from an approved travel request 2. e. Create a New Expense Claim. I imported both charges into my expense report. Delete the report. To "fix" this mismatch go on the expense itemized, and in one of the line you add a 0. On the expense report page, select Details > New Itinerary. 1 - Transactions 360.